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[洋粑粑US代购空气净化,氧吧]Honeywell 霍尼韦尔HPA2月销量0件仅售2508元

2019-04-28 | 人围观 | 评论:

Honeywell 霍尼韦尔HPA200过敏原过滤器空气净化器PM2.5雾霾净化

Honeywell 霍尼韦尔HPA200过敏原过滤器空气净化器PM2.5雾霾净化

  • 商品详情
  • 控制方式:按键式
  • 适用面积:15㎡ (含)-30㎡ (含)
  • 功能:定时 除花粉 除颗粒物 除烟除尘 除雾霾
  • 工作原理:HEPA技术
  • 电源方式:交流电
  • 售后服务:其他/other
  • 适用对象:家用 卧室 办公室
  • 颜色分类:白色 替换过滤网2片装 活性炭滤网6片装
  • 品牌:Honeywell
  • 型号:HPA200
  • 风量:310立方米/小时
  • 噪音:20-100dB




Honeywell Air Purifiers Help Capture Airborne Allergens

Honeywell air purifiers are often recommended by physicians as part of an overall allergy treatment program. Our highly effective air purifiers capture 99.97% of the microscopic particles (0.3 microns and larger) that pass through their filters. Honeywell True HEPA air purifiers are efficient at capturing airborne particles like dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, cooking smoke, fireplace smoke, pet dander and mold spores. Some models have even been tested to capture certain germs from the air passing through the filters. 

These products use a mechanical filtration process - meaning that a fan pulls the particle-filled air into the unit and forces that air through a HEPA filter, effectively cleaning and circulating the air in a room up to 5 times an hour. And, Honeywell True HEPA air purifiers do not release ozone back into the air from the filtration process, making them the preferred air purifier for patients with breathing disorders.

本款 Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 HPA200空气净化器在28平米以内的房间每小时可换气5次。它对于室内的PM2.5颗粒,乃至病菌、异味、VOC、螨虫等都可有效过滤,还可过滤过敏源。另外它采用的True HEPA过滤网,可以去除空气中99.9%以上直径0.3微米的微粒和病菌,前置活性炭滤网可去除空气中的异味及部分甲醛,保养起来比较容易,建议活性炭滤网3个月更换一次,HEPA滤网1至2年更换一次即可。

商品尺寸: 49.2 x 29.3 x 51.6 cm



  • 商品具体信息及使用说明参照说明书!
  • 新机器启动会带味道,可以尝试将滤网取出透风散味后再使用,或者将机器至于外部,使用一段时间后再拿进屋内使用。



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